
Monday, December 19, 2016

4 - Delivery! We got it!

On September 2, Scottsdale RV promised to order a 2017 Orion to be delivered to us in Parker, CO. We wondered and waited and got on with life. And nary a word was heard. Communication, or lack thereof, would become an issue.

Then, in the last week of September, an email from Scottsdale comes proclaiming that our Orion will arrive on Oct. 6. At 4 PM on Oct. 5, the doorbell rings and there is (let's call him George) along with our new Orion on the street in front. Miracle of miracles, it actually happened. George had driven pretty much non-stop after picking up the coach in Middlebury, Indiana, and then stopping to get it prepped in South Bend, 1,177 miles in fact. And George was in a hurry to get back to Scottsdale. But first to do business.

We gave the coach a once over. Keys? Check. Accessories and manuals? Think so. Everything work? Seems to. Paperwork? OK, what do we do with that? George doesn't know. I don't know. A call to Scottsdale. Nobody there who can tell us what I need to sign or keep or return. All we are sure of is George needs a check for the deal and necessary papers for the Lexor and he is quickly away with the Lexor. Bye, bye Lexor. You were a fine RV but a bit too small.

What a frenzy. What did we get? Now we have a leisurely few days to check out the Orion and that proves to be absolutely necessary since we don't have the benefit of a decent dealer walk-through. Having the experience from nine previous RVs provides fairly quick answers to most questions that arise. But, there are a few surprises as we proceed. I'll expand on impressions and experience in subsequent posts, but our first impressions are very favorable overall. We got a great RV and a sweet deal.

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